I am a Computer Science PhD Candidate at UIUC, advised by Prof. Shenlong Wang. My research interest lies in 3D vision and generative modeling. I have fun experience in 2D/3D/multi-modal scene generations, 3D super resolution, 3D physical fields and other self-driving related projects
During my PhD, I am fortunate to be mentored by David Forsyth, Katie Driggs-Campbell, Wei-chiu Ma, Duygu Ceylan, Niloy Mitra, Anna Frühstück, Zexiang Xu, Paul Guerrero, Chuhang Zou, Xiaohan Fei, Bryan A. Plummer and many other amazing researchers.
I am co-organizing the external speaker seminar at UIUC vision group. If you are interested in presenting, please let me know!
I held office hour for students or whoever is in need help for research mentoring. Please fill in this form if you are interested.